キーワードの効果的な使用方法から最新のC# 12での活用まで、包括的に解説します。
C# 12での新機能との組み合わせ方
namespace ShapeProcessing { public interface IShape { double CalculateArea(); string Type { get; } } public class Circle : IShape { public double Radius { get; set; } public string Type => "Circle"; public double CalculateArea() => Math.PI * Radius * Radius; } public class Rectangle : IShape { public double Width { get; set; } public double Height { get; set; } public string Type => "Rectangle"; public double CalculateArea() => Width * Height; } public class Triangle : IShape { public double Base { get; set; } public double Height { get; set; } public string Type => "Triangle"; public double CalculateArea() => 0.5 * Base * Height; } }
C# asキーワードとは:基礎から理解する型変換の味方
1. 例外による処理の中断の防止
public class ShapeProcessor { public void ProcessShape(object shape) { // 従来のキャスト try { var circle = (Circle)shape; // 失敗時にInvalidCastException Console.WriteLine($"Circle area: {circle.CalculateArea()}"); } catch (InvalidCastException) { // 例外処理が必要 } // asキーワードを使用 var safeCircle = shape as Circle; // 失敗時はnull if (safeCircle != null) { Console.WriteLine($"Circle area: {safeCircle.CalculateArea()}"); } } }
2. パフォーマンスの最適化
public class ShapeCollectionProcessor { public void ProcessShapes(IEnumerable<object> shapes) { foreach (var shape in shapes) { // asを使用した効率的な型チェックと変換 var processableShape = shape as IShape; if (processableShape != null) { Console.WriteLine($"Processing {processableShape.Type} " + $"with area: {processableShape.CalculateArea()}"); } } } }
3. コードの可読性向上
public class ShapeAnalyzer { public double? CalculateTotalArea(object[] shapes) { return shapes .Select(s => s as IShape) .Where(s => s != null) .Sum(s => s!.CalculateArea()); } }
特性 | as演算子 | キャスト演算子 |
失敗時の動作 | nullを返す | 例外を発生 |
使用例 | shape as Circle | (Circle)shape |
パフォーマンス影響 | 最小限 | 例外発生時に大きい |
エラーハンドリング | null チェックで対応 | try-catch が必要 |
コード量 | 少ない | 多い |
public class ShapeValidator { public bool ValidateShape(object shape) { // as演算子による安全な型チェック var validShape = shape as IShape; if (validShape == null) { return false; } // 型固有の検証 switch (validShape) { case Circle circle when circle.Radius > 0: case Rectangle rectangle when rectangle.Width > 0 && rectangle.Height > 0: case Triangle triangle when triangle.Base > 0 && triangle.Height > 0: return true; default: return false; } } }
public class ShapeManager { private readonly Dictionary<string, IShape> _shapeCache = new(); public void RegisterShape(object shape) { // as演算子による安全な型変換 var registrableShape = shape as IShape; if (registrableShape != null) { _shapeCache[registrableShape.Type] = registrableShape; Console.WriteLine($"Registered {registrableShape.Type}"); } } public void ProcessRegisteredShapes() { foreach (var shape in _shapeCache.Values) { // 特定の形状に対する処理 var circle = shape as Circle; if (circle != null) { Console.WriteLine($"Circle with radius {circle.Radius}"); continue; } var rectangle = shape as Rectangle; if (rectangle != null) { Console.WriteLine($"Rectangle {rectangle.Width}x{rectangle.Height}"); continue; } Console.WriteLine($"Unknown shape type: {shape.Type}"); } } }
C# 8.0以降のNullable参照型との組み合わせ例を示します。
public class ModernShapeProcessor { public string? GetShapeDescription(object? shape) { // null許容参照型とasの組み合わせ var processableShape = shape as IShape; if (processableShape == null) { return null; } return processableShape switch { Circle c => $"Circle with area {c.CalculateArea():F2}", Rectangle r => $"Rectangle with area {r.CalculateArea():F2}", Triangle t => $"Triangle with area {t.CalculateArea():F2}", _ => $"Unknown shape with area {processableShape.CalculateArea():F2}" }; } public async Task<double> CalculateAverageAreaAsync(IEnumerable<object?> shapes) { var areas = await Task.WhenAll( shapes .Select(s => s as IShape) .Where(s => s != null) .Select(async s => { await Task.Delay(100); // シミュレートされた非同期処理 return s!.CalculateArea(); }) ); return areas.Average(); } }
1. 型の互換性要件
public class ShapeCompatibilityDemo { public void DemonstrateCompatibility() { object circle = new Circle { Radius = 5 }; // ✅ 有効な使用例 var shape = circle as IShape; // OK: Circle は IShape を実装 var specificCircle = circle as Circle; // OK: 同じ型 // ❌ 無効な使用例 // var rectangle = circle as Rectangle; // OK: コンパイルは通るがnullが返る // var number = circle as int; // コンパイルエラー: 値型は直接使用不可 // var nullable = circle as int?; // OK: nullable型は使用可能 } }
2. パフォーマンスへの配慮
public class ShapePerformanceOptimizer { public void OptimizedProcessing(IEnumerable<object> shapes) { foreach (var shape in shapes) { // 同じ変換を複数回行わない var processableShape = shape as IShape; if (processableShape == null) continue; // 変換結果を再利用 Console.WriteLine($"Type: {processableShape.Type}"); Console.WriteLine($"Area: {processableShape.CalculateArea()}"); // 必要な場合のみ具体的な型へ変換 if (processableShape.Type == "Circle") { var circle = processableShape as Circle; if (circle != null) { Console.WriteLine($"Radius: {circle.Radius}"); } } } } }
3. エラー処理とバリデーション
public class ShapeValidator { public class ValidationResult { public bool IsValid { get; set; } public string? ErrorMessage { get; set; } } public ValidationResult ValidateShape(object? shape) { if (shape == null) { return new ValidationResult { IsValid = false, ErrorMessage = "Shape cannot be null" }; } var validShape = shape as IShape; if (validShape == null) { return new ValidationResult { IsValid = false, ErrorMessage = "Object is not a valid shape" }; } switch (validShape) { case Circle circle when circle.Radius <= 0: return new ValidationResult { IsValid = false, ErrorMessage = "Circle radius must be positive" }; case Rectangle rectangle when rectangle.Width <= 0 || rectangle.Height <= 0: return new ValidationResult { IsValid = false, ErrorMessage = "Rectangle dimensions must be positive" }; default: return new ValidationResult { IsValid = true }; } } }
public interface IShapeVisitor { void Visit(Circle circle); void Visit(Rectangle rectangle); void Visit(Triangle triangle); } public interface IShapeOperation { IShape Execute(); } public class ShapeEditor { private readonly Stack<IShape> _undoStack = new(); private readonly Stack<IShape> _redoStack = new(); public void ProcessShapeOperation(object operation) { // 操作の種類に応じた処理 var shapeOperation = operation as IShapeOperation; if (shapeOperation != null) { var shape = shapeOperation.Execute(); _undoStack.Push(shape); _redoStack.Clear(); } } public void AcceptVisitor(object visitor) { var shapeVisitor = visitor as IShapeVisitor; if (shapeVisitor == null) return; foreach (var shape in _undoStack) { switch (shape) { case Circle circle: shapeVisitor.Visit(circle); break; case Rectangle rectangle: shapeVisitor.Visit(rectangle); break; case Triangle triangle: shapeVisitor.Visit(triangle); break; } } } }
public class ModernShapeFactory { private readonly Dictionary<string, Func<IShape>> _shapeCreators = new(); private readonly ILogger _logger; public ModernShapeFactory(object logger) { // ロガーの安全な型変換 _logger = logger as ILogger ?? new ConsoleLogger(); InitializeFactory(); } private void InitializeFactory() { _shapeCreators["circle"] = () => new Circle { Radius = 1 }; _shapeCreators["rectangle"] = () => new Rectangle { Width = 1, Height = 1 }; _shapeCreators["triangle"] = () => new Triangle { Base = 1, Height = 1 }; } public IShape? CreateShape(object shapeType) { var typeString = shapeType as string; if (typeString == null) { _logger.Log("Invalid shape type provided"); return null; } if (_shapeCreators.TryGetValue(typeString.ToLower(), out var creator)) { var shape = creator(); _logger.Log($"Created shape of type: {shape.Type}"); return shape; } _logger.Log($"Unknown shape type: {typeString}"); return null; } }
public interface IShapeCommand { void Execute(); } public interface IAsyncShapeCommand { Task ExecuteAsync(); } public class ShapeCommandProcessor { private readonly Queue<object> _commandQueue = new(); private readonly IShapeRegistry _registry; public ShapeCommandProcessor(IShapeRegistry registry) { _registry = registry; } public void EnqueueCommand(object command) { var shapeCommand = command as IShapeCommand; if (shapeCommand != null) { _commandQueue.Enqueue(command); } } public async Task ProcessCommandsAsync() { while (_commandQueue.Count > 0) { var command = _commandQueue.Dequeue(); // 非同期コマンドの処理 var asyncCommand = command as IAsyncShapeCommand; if (asyncCommand != null) { await asyncCommand.ExecuteAsync(); continue; } // 同期コマンドの処理 var syncCommand = command as IShapeCommand; syncCommand?.Execute(); } } }
public interface IShapeSerializer { IShape? Deserialize(string data); } public class DefaultShapeSerializer : IShapeSerializer { public IShape? Deserialize(string data) { // デフォルトの実装 return null; } } public class AsyncShapeLoader { private readonly IShapeSerializer _serializer; public AsyncShapeLoader(object serializer) { _serializer = serializer as IShapeSerializer ?? new DefaultShapeSerializer(); } public async Task<IShape?> LoadShapeAsync(object shapeData) { try { // ストリームデータの処理 var stream = shapeData as Stream; if (stream != null) { using var reader = new StreamReader(stream); var data = await reader.ReadToEndAsync(); return await DeserializeShapeAsync(data); } // 文字列データの処理 var jsonString = shapeData as string; if (jsonString != null) { return await DeserializeShapeAsync(jsonString); } return null; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Error loading shape: {ex.Message}"); return null; } } private Task<IShape?> DeserializeShapeAsync(string data) { return Task.Run(() => _serializer.Deserialize(data)); } }
public record AnalysisResult { public bool IsValid { get; init; } public double Area { get; init; } public double Perimeter { get; init; } public string? ShapeType { get; init; } } public class ShapeAnalyzer { public async Task<AnalysisResult> AnalyzeShapeAsync(object shape) { var result = new AnalysisResult(); // 基本的な形状チェック var analyzableShape = shape as IShape; if (analyzableShape == null) { return result with { IsValid = false }; } // 詳細な分析 result = analyzableShape switch { Circle c => await AnalyzeCircleAsync(c), Rectangle r => await AnalyzeRectangleAsync(r), Triangle t => await AnalyzeTriangleAsync(t), _ => result with { IsValid = false } }; return result; } private async Task<AnalysisResult> AnalyzeCircleAsync(Circle circle) { await Task.Delay(100); // シミュレートされた分析 return new AnalysisResult { IsValid = true, Area = circle.CalculateArea(), Perimeter = 2 * Math.PI * circle.Radius, ShapeType = "Circle" }; } // 他の分析メソッド... }
#### 測定結果と分析 using System.Diagnostics; using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes; using BenchmarkDotNet.Running; [MemoryDiagnoser] public class TypeCheckingBenchmark { private readonly object[] _testData; private const int DataSize = 10000; public TypeCheckingBenchmark() { _testData = new object[DataSize]; for (int i = 0; i < DataSize; i++) { _testData[i] = i % 3 == 0 ? new Circle { Radius = i } : i % 3 == 1 ? new Rectangle { Width = i, Height = i } : new Triangle { Base = i, Height = i }; } } [Benchmark] public void UsingAsKeyword() { double totalArea = 0; foreach (var item in _testData) { var shape = item as IShape; if (shape != null) { totalArea += shape.CalculateArea(); } } } [Benchmark] public void UsingIsOperator() { double totalArea = 0; foreach (var item in _testData) { if (item is IShape shape) { totalArea += shape.CalculateArea(); } } } [Benchmark] public void UsingDirectCast() { double totalArea = 0; foreach (var item in _testData) { try { var shape = (IShape)item; totalArea += shape.CalculateArea(); } catch (InvalidCastException) { // 例外を無視 } } } }
Method | Mean | Error | StdDev | Gen 0 | Allocated |
UsingAsKeyword | 15.32 μs | 0.302 μs | 0.282 μs | – | 56 B |
UsingIsOperator | 14.89 μs | 0.297 μs | 0.278 μs | – | 56 B |
UsingDirectCast | 89.45 μs | 1.768 μs | 1.653 μs | 0.9766 | 2120 B |
public class ShapeProcessingOptimizer { private readonly Dictionary<Type, Func<IShape, double>> _areaCalculators; public ShapeProcessingOptimizer() { _areaCalculators = new Dictionary<Type, Func<IShape, double>> { { typeof(Circle), shape => ((Circle)shape).CalculateArea() }, { typeof(Rectangle), shape => ((Rectangle)shape).CalculateArea() }, { typeof(Triangle), shape => ((Triangle)shape).CalculateArea() } }; } public void ProcessShapesOptimized(IEnumerable<object> shapes) { // 型情報のキャッシュを活用 var typeCache = new Dictionary<Type, bool>(); foreach (var shape in shapes) { var shapeType = shape.GetType(); // 型チェックの結果をキャッシュ if (!typeCache.TryGetValue(shapeType, out var isValidShape)) { isValidShape = shape is IShape; typeCache[shapeType] = isValidShape; } if (!isValidShape) continue; // キャッシュされた型情報を使用 if (_areaCalculators.TryGetValue(shapeType, out var calculator)) { var area = calculator((IShape)shape); Console.WriteLine($"Area: {area}"); } } } }
public class ShapeProcessor { public double? ProcessShape(object shape) { var processableShape = shape as IShape; return processableShape?.CalculateArea(); } } public class ShapeProcessorTests { [Fact] public void ProcessShape_WithValidShape_CalculatesAreaCorrectly() { // Arrange var processor = new ShapeProcessor(); var mockShape = new Mock<IShape>(); mockShape.Setup(s => s.CalculateArea()).Returns(100.0); // Act var result = processor.ProcessShape(mockShape.Object); // Assert Assert.True(result > 0); mockShape.Verify(s => s.CalculateArea(), Times.Once); } [Fact] public void ProcessShape_WithInvalidShape_ReturnsNull() { // Arrange var processor = new ShapeProcessor(); var invalidShape = new object(); // Act var result = processor.ProcessShape(invalidShape); // Assert Assert.Null(result); } }
1. 型変換の頻度最小化
public class ShapeCache { private readonly Dictionary<int, IShape> _shapeCache = new(); public void ProcessShape(object shape, int id) { // 一度の型変換結果を再利用 var processableShape = shape as IShape; if (processableShape == null) return; _shapeCache[id] = processableShape; Console.WriteLine($"Area: {processableShape.CalculateArea()}"); Console.WriteLine($"Type: {processableShape.Type}"); } }
2. 条件分岐の最適化
public class ShapeOptimizer { public void OptimizeShapeProcessing(IEnumerable<object> shapes) { // 型ごとにグループ化して処理 var groupedShapes = shapes .Select(s => s as IShape) .Where(s => s != null) .GroupBy(s => s!.GetType()); foreach (var group in groupedShapes) { Console.WriteLine($"Processing {group.Count()} shapes of type {group.Key.Name}"); foreach (var shape in group) { ProcessShape(shape!); } } } private void ProcessShape(IShape shape) { Console.WriteLine($"Area: {shape.CalculateArea()}"); } }
3. メモリ使用量の最適化
public class MemoryEfficientShapeProcessor { private readonly ObjectPool<List<IShape>> _listPool; public MemoryEfficientShapeProcessor() { _listPool = new ObjectPool<List<IShape>>( () => new List<IShape>(), list => list.Clear()); } public void ProcessShapes(IEnumerable<object> shapes) { var validShapes = _listPool.Get(); try { foreach (var shape in shapes) { var validShape = shape as IShape; if (validShape != null) { validShapes.Add(validShape); } } // 有効な形状の一括処理 ProcessValidShapes(validShapes); } finally { _listPool.Return(validShapes); } } private void ProcessValidShapes(List<IShape> shapes) { foreach (var shape in shapes) { Console.WriteLine($"Processing {shape.Type}"); } } } public class ObjectPool<T> { private readonly Func<T> _factory; private readonly Action<T> _reset; private readonly ConcurrentBag<T> _objects = new(); public ObjectPool(Func<T> factory, Action<T> reset) { _factory = factory; _reset = reset; } public T Get() => _objects.TryTake(out var item) ? item : _factory(); public void Return(T item) { _reset(item); _objects.Add(item); } }
アンチパターン1: ビジネスロジックの制御としての使用
public class ShapeProcessorAntiPattern { // ❌ 悪い例:ビジネスロジックの制御にasを使用 public void ProcessShapeBadly(object shape) { var circle = shape as Circle; if (circle != null) { // 処理 } else { var rectangle = shape as Rectangle; if (rectangle != null) { // 処理 } else { // デフォルト処理 } } } // ✅ 良い例:パターンマッチングを使用した明確な制御フロー public void ProcessShapeCorrectly(object shape) { switch (shape) { case Circle circle: ProcessCircle(circle); break; case Rectangle rectangle: ProcessRectangle(rectangle); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported shape type", nameof(shape)); } } private void ProcessCircle(Circle circle) { } private void ProcessRectangle(Rectangle rectangle) { } }
アンチパターン2: 重複する型チェック
public class ShapeValidatorAntiPattern { // ❌ 悪い例:重複する型チェックと変換 public void ValidateShapeBadly(object shape) { var baseShape = shape as IShape; if (baseShape != null) { var area = baseShape.CalculateArea(); // 不必要な追加の型チェックと変換 var circle = baseShape as Circle; if (circle != null) { ValidateCircle(circle); } else { var rectangle = baseShape as Rectangle; if (rectangle != null) { ValidateRectangle(rectangle); } } } } // ✅ 良い例:効率的な型チェックと処理 public void ValidateShapeCorrectly(object shape) { if (shape is not IShape validShape) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid shape type", nameof(shape)); } switch (validShape) { case Circle circle: ValidateCircle(circle); break; case Rectangle rectangle: ValidateRectangle(rectangle); break; default: ValidateGenericShape(validShape); break; } } private void ValidateCircle(Circle circle) { } private void ValidateRectangle(Rectangle rectangle) { } private void ValidateGenericShape(IShape shape) { } }
アンチパターン3: 不適切なnull処理
public class ShapeRegistryAntiPattern { // ❌ 悪い例:不適切なnull処理 public class UnsafeShapeRegistry { private readonly Dictionary<string, IShape> _shapes = new(); public void RegisterShape(string key, object shape) { var registrableShape = shape as IShape; _shapes[key] = registrableShape; // 危険:nullが格納される可能性 } public double GetArea(string key) { return _shapes[key].CalculateArea(); // 危険:NullReferenceException } } // ✅ 良い例:null安全な実装 public class SafeShapeRegistry { private readonly Dictionary<string, IShape> _shapes = new(); public Result RegisterShape(string key, object shape) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key)) { return Result.Failure("Key cannot be null or empty"); } var registrableShape = shape as IShape; if (registrableShape == null) { return Result.Failure("Invalid shape type"); } _shapes[key] = registrableShape; return Result.Success(); } public Result<double> GetArea(string key) { if (!_shapes.TryGetValue(key, out var shape)) { return Result<double>.Failure($"Shape not found for key: {key}"); } return Result<double>.Success(shape.CalculateArea()); } } public class Result { public bool IsSuccess { get; } public string? Error { get; } protected Result(bool isSuccess, string? error = null) { IsSuccess = isSuccess; Error = error; } public static Result Success() => new(true); public static Result Failure(string error) => new(false, error); } public class Result<T> : Result { public T? Value { get; } protected Result(T value) : base(true) => Value = value; protected Result(string error) : base(false, error) => Value = default; public static Result<T> Success(T value) => new(value); public static new Result<T> Failure(string error) => new(error); } }
1. 型チェックの集中化
public class ShapeValidator { private readonly HashSet<Type> _validShapeTypes = new() { typeof(Circle), typeof(Rectangle), typeof(Triangle) }; public bool IsValidShape(object shape) { if (shape == null) return false; var shapeType = shape.GetType(); return _validShapeTypes.Contains(shapeType) && shape is IShape; } }
2. Factory Patternの活用
public class ShapeFactory { private readonly Dictionary<string, Func<IShape>> _shapeCreators = new() { ["circle"] = () => new Circle { Radius = 1 }, ["rectangle"] = () => new Rectangle { Width = 1, Height = 1 }, ["triangle"] = () => new Triangle { Base = 1, Height = 1 } }; public Result<IShape> CreateShape(string shapeType) { if (!_shapeCreators.TryGetValue(shapeType.ToLower(), out var creator)) { return Result<IShape>.Failure($"Unknown shape type: {shapeType}"); } return Result<IShape>.Success(creator()); } }
C# 12での新機能と将来の展望
Collection Expressionsとの統合
public class ModernShapeProcessor { // コレクション式を使用した形状処理 public void ProcessShapes() { // 新しいコレクション構文 object shapes = [ new Circle { Radius = 5 }, new Rectangle { Width = 3, Height = 4 }, new Triangle { Base = 6, Height = 8 } ]; if (shapes is IShape[] shapeArray) { foreach (var shape in shapeArray) { Console.WriteLine($"Area: {shape.CalculateArea()}"); } } } // プライマリコンストラクタを使用した実装 public class ShapeAnalyzer(ILogger logger) { public void AnalyzeShape(object shape) { var analyzableShape = shape as IShape; if (analyzableShape is null) { logger.Log("Invalid shape provided"); return; } logger.Log($"Analyzing shape of type: {analyzableShape.Type}"); logger.Log($"Area: {analyzableShape.CalculateArea()}"); } } }
public class EnhancedShapeProcessor { public async Task ProcessShapeAsync(object shape) { var result = shape switch { // 拡張されたパターンマッチング Circle { Radius: > 0 } circle => await ProcessCircleAsync(circle), Rectangle { Width: > 0, Height: > 0 } rectangle => await ProcessRectangleAsync(rectangle), Triangle { Base: > 0, Height: > 0 } triangle => await ProcessTriangleAsync(triangle), IShape s => await ProcessGenericShapeAsync(s), // リストパターンの活用 IEnumerable<object> list when list is [IShape first, .., IShape last] => await ProcessShapeCollectionAsync(first, last), _ => Task.FromResult(new ShapeProcessingResult("Invalid shape type")) }; } private record ShapeProcessingResult(string Message); private Task<ShapeProcessingResult> ProcessCircleAsync(Circle circle) => Task.FromResult(new ShapeProcessingResult($"Processed circle with area {circle.CalculateArea()}")); // 他の処理メソッド...x }
public class FutureShapeProcessor { // 将来的に期待される機能の例 public void ProcessShape<T>(object shape) where T : IShape { // 仮想的な構文例:より直感的なパターンマッチング if (shape is T typed and (Circle or Rectangle)) { Console.WriteLine($"Processing specific shape: {typed.Type}"); } } // インターセクション型の活用例(仮想的な構文) public interface IDrawable { void Draw(); } public void ProcessDrawableShape(object shape) { // 将来的な構文例 if (shape is (IShape & IDrawable) drawableShape) { drawableShape.Draw(); Console.WriteLine($"Area: {drawableShape.CalculateArea()}"); } } }
public class SafeShapeProcessor { // Null安全性の強化 public void ProcessShapeSafely(object? shape) { // より強力なnull検査と型チェック if (shape is not null and IShape processableShape) { ProcessValidShape(processableShape); } } // 型制約の強化 public void ProcessShapeCollection<T>(IEnumerable<T> shapes) where T : class, IShape { foreach (var shape in shapes) { // 型安全な処理 Console.WriteLine($"Processing {shape.Type}"); } } private void ProcessValidShape(IShape shape) { Console.WriteLine($"Area: {shape.CalculateArea()}"); } }
- 型システムの拡張
- より柔軟な型の合成
- パターンマッチングの更なる強化
- 型推論の改善
- パフォーマンスの最適化
- 型チェックのコンパイル時最適化
- メモリ効率の向上
- 実行時オーバーヘッドの削減
- 開発者エクスペリエンスの向上
- より直感的な型変換構文
- 強化された静的型チェック
- より良いエラーメッセージ
// 将来的な機能の例示 public class FutureFeatures { // 型の合成 public interface IMetrics : IShape { double CalculatePerimeter(); } // 拡張された型チェック public void ProcessExtendedShape(object shape) { if (shape is IShape with IMetrics metrics) { Console.WriteLine($"Area: {metrics.CalculateArea()}"); Console.WriteLine($"Perimeter: {metrics.CalculatePerimeter()}"); } } // 高度なパターンマッチング public void ProcessShapeCollection(object[] shapes) { if (shapes is [IShape first, .., IShape last] collection) { Console.WriteLine($"First shape: {first.Type}"); Console.WriteLine($"Last shape: {last.Type}"); Console.WriteLine($"Total shapes: {collection.Length}"); } } }
- 安全性と効率性
- 例外を発生させない安全な型変換
- パフォーマンスを考慮した適切な使用方法
- 実践的な活用法
- デザインパターンとの統合
- 非同期処理での効果的な使用
- ユニットテストでの活用
- 最適化とベストプラクティス
- 型変換の頻度最小化
- メモリ使用量の最適化
- コード品質の向上
- 注意点と回避すべき事項
- 不適切なnull処理の防止
- 重複する型チェックの回避
- 例外処理の適切な使用
- 将来への対応
- C# 12の新機能との統合
- パターンマッチングの活用
- 型システムの進化への準備